Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Though many swear that Red Raspberry Leaf Tea will induce labor, there is very little evidence on its ability to encourage labor. However, it is high in vitamins and minerals and may have other positive benefits on the actual labor process as it is thought to help tone the uterus, increase breastmilk production and quicken recovery time.
Blue or Black Cohosh
There is evidence that blue or black cohosh might induce contractions but it has also been linked to negative outcomes in birth. It is best to avoid this method.
Acupuncture does have the ability to ripen the cervix and initiate labor. Assuming you are in touch with a competent practitioner this may be a good method to try with little to no side effects.
Acupressure has the ability to increase blood flow to the uterus, influence hormonal responses, and stimulate uterine contractions. Always use caution and consult with your trusted care provider.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care should be with a trained and certified specialist. Aligning the bones of your pelvis can engage your baby fully into your pelvis helping your cervix to dilate. Having chiropractic care will increase the odds of you having a natural birth experience and it can relieve sciatic pain and general discomfort.
Eating dates has been found to have many benefits for pregnancy and labor. Dates are linked to increased cervical ripening, less need for labor augmentations and less postpartum bleeding. You would need to consume 60-80 grams or about 6-7 dates per day to see results. The only thing to consider is that if you have Gestational Diabetes, you would need to use caution due to their high sugar content at that quantity.