What to Wear
We’re here to help you make packing for the hospital simple. These lists will help you feel prepared and ready for your special day.
During Labor
First, decide what you want to labor in. I felt more comfortable in my own nightgown rather than the hospital gown they offer. Some women will labor in a sports bra and shorts/underwear. Some will labor in a sleep nursing bra because it is comfortable and lightweight. Then they can easily nurse right after birth.
After Birth
After your baby is born, a fresh change of clothes is just the thing to help you feel your best. A nursing top and robe with slippers can be super comfy. After birth you will be bleeding and need to change pads frequently, so comfy clothes and ones that are easy to get on and off are best. The hospital should provide you with pads, underwear, and tucks pads. If they don’t provide you with something, ask them. Odds are there is a stash of toiletries/socks/pads/etc.
When Going Home
When it’s time to bring your little one home you’ll want to wear something you feel good in and nothing tight, restraining, or uncomfortable. A top that will allow easy access for nursing plus postpartum leggings or comfy maternity pants will work. Take flip-flops or crocs for going home. Your feet might be swollen and you’ll want something you can easily slip on.
We suggest having your bags somewhat ready by about 36 weeks so you don’t have to worry about packing everything when the time comes.
Packing Lists

For Mom:
Unscented lotion
Hair Ties
2 Stretchy/maternity pants
2 Shirts
Pajamas (dark colored)
Nursing bra
Sleep nursing bra
Nursing cami
Light robe
Flip flops for the shower and going home
Nipple cream
Breastfeeding pillow
Cell charger with a long cord!!! Hospital beds are always so far away from electrical outlets. You’re going to want a fully charged phone for all of the pictures you’ll be taking as well as visiting with family and friends.
Healthy snacks (protein bars, honey sticks)
Essential oils and diffuser
Insurance information
Drivers license
Birth Plan (This is an important one! Bring a couple of hard copies with you to the hospital, one for the nurse and one for the doctor. It is best to go over your wishes with your doctor a couple of weeks before your due date so they know and remember. Remind them again when you head into labor and delivery.)

For Your Baby:
Going home outfit
Onesies/extra outfits
Socks, hats
Car seat
Car seat cover
Baby blankets
10 diapers
The hospital will provide you with diapers and wipes for your baby while you are there. Be sure to have extra room in your bags so you can take any extras home with you too as well as freebies you’ll want to bring home. They will also have a pacifier, bottle, and breast pump if you need it. They have blankets at the hospital for your baby, but some will not let you take the blanket home, so make sure you bring your own.

For Dad:
The hospital will provide meals for moms, but they don’t always provide food for dads. Make sure you know what your hospital does so you can plan to bring some snacks and plan for the cost of food for dad.
Cell charger
Entertainment- a book or podcast can be a wonderful diversion during down time
2 Shirts
2 Pants
Jacket/sweatshirt (This is important for dads! Women often labor very hot which means the air conditioning is pumping and it can be really cold for dads.)