Essential Birth Course



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This Essential Birth Course covers the following topics:

  • Intro to Essential Oils
  • Essential Oils for Pregnancy and Birth
  • Morning Sickness Solutions
  • Recommended Reading
  • Positive Affirmations 
  • Move It-Exercise During Pregnancy
  • Eat Up-Nutrition and How it Affects Your Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby
  • Prenatal Supplements 
  • Should I Choose an Unmedicated Birth?
  • Baby Model Birth Demonstration
  • Balloon Demonstration 
  • Building Your Birth Team-Midwife or OB/GYN?
  • Doula Care
  • Creating Your Birth Space-Three Must-Haves for Your Dream Delivery
  • Birth Plan-Do I Really Need One?
  • How to Have an Unmedicated Birth in the Hospital 
  • What to Wear, What to Pack
  • Inducing Labor Naturally
  • Your Water Breaking
  • Timing-When to Call Your Doula
  • Pain Management
  • Labor and Birth Positions
  • Pushing
  • Perineums-What if I Tear?
  • Bonding and Breastfeeding

Every mother can benefit from the instructions and insight this course provides. However, we have written it with low-risk, healthy women in mind. Along with your care providers and your own personal intuition this course will help you discover and fulfill your birth wishes.


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